Tar and Chip Paving for Delaplane VA | Resurfacing and New Construction
Tar and chip, a paving process developed nearly a century ago, is a perfect fit for the rustic theme of many Delaplane residences and businesses. Set in some of Northern Virginia’s most beautiful country, Delaplane and the surrounding communities, have an architectural style that harkens back to simpler times when horses and horse drawn carriages were the primary means of transportation.
Tar and chip paving contributes to that style.
Tar and chip differs from traditional slate black asphalt paving in a number of ways. Hot mix asphalt has a smooth sophisticated look that is ideal for many urban settings. Tar and chip was developed as a means to provide paved roads in areas where hot mix asphalt wasn’t available. It has a pebbly texture and its color depends on the color of the chip stone used.
Unlike asphalt which has to be trucked in from a batch plant, the materials used in tar and chip paving (liquid asphalt and chip stone grave) are assembled at the job site. Preparation of the subbase is pretty much the same as asphalt but then it gets tricky. A layer of liquid asphalt is laid down followed by a layer of chip stone. A commercial grade roller then compacts the combination embedding the stone into the asphalt.
Too much asphalt and it can seep to the surface and become problematic. Not enough and all the chip stone may not adhere causing gravel to kick up when driven over possibly scratching a vehicle or chipping a windshield. It takes an experienced hand to correctly install tar and chip paving.
- Residential Asphalt Paving
- Commercial Chipseal Paving
- Paving for parking lots
- Asphalt laying services
- Asphalt Installation
- Driveway replacement
- Patching / Grading
- Excavation
- Site Preparation
- Chipseal roads installation and maintenance
- Coating parking areas
- Driveway construction, installation and maintenance

Standard Paving – The Paving Contractor With 30+ Years of Experience in Delaplane VA
Family owned, Manassas based, Standard Paving has been in the asphalt paving and tar and chip paving business for over three decades. Many of today’s residential asphalt paving contractors do not offer tar and chip paving. At Standard Paving we not only offer it but have the experienced crews who can turn a standard tar and chip project into designer paving. The color and size of the chip stone used determines the color and texture of the finished project. If you want a drive that compliments your residence, you want tar and chip paving.
Of course, there is a practical side to tar and chip. For starters, tar and chip is generally less expensive to install than hot mix asphalt. That’s why it is so popular with road departments. When professionally installed, tar and chip pavement is a rock hard, all weather, low to no maintenance surface. Its pebbly surface offers superior traction for both pedestrians and vehicles in snowy conditions. You can expect a service life of 12 to 15 years which is about half that of a professionally installed asphalt surface.
If you are ready for a tar and chip paving project, or you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. An experienced estimator will be happy to discuss the possibilities.
Asphalt Installation:
If Your Mind is Set on Hot Mix Asphalt Paving in Delaplane VA
Because Standard paving serves most of Northern Virginia including the densely populated D.C. suburbs, our most frequent project is asphalt driveway paving. Driveways play an important role in a home’s curb appeal and resale value and customers are constantly amazed at just how much a repaved driveway improves the home’s appearance.
If your driveway has holes or crumbling edges, or pools water after a rain, give us a call and we’ll send an estimator to have a look. Sometimes all that is needed are simple repairs. We can fill the holes, remove the loose asphalt, level up low spots and then cover the drive with a protective sealant that will give it an “almost new” slate colored finish.
If the subbase is the problem, or the asphalt is structurally flawed, then repaving is the most common solution. We will firm up the subbase, cut out and remove structurally failed asphalt, and level up the drive, in preparation of installing a new asphalt top. A self-propelled, self-leveling paver machine will put down the hot asphalt followed by a vibrating compressor that will compact the asphalt forming a hard surface. Typically, you can walk on your new driveway within 4 hours and drive on it within 24 hours. Of course, all the asphalt and other debris from the subbase preparation will be hauled away and disposed of.
Six months after the installation, we recommend a sealant be placed on the new asphalt driveway. A sealant will protect the asphalt from UV rays, gas and oil stains, deicer chemicals, and the challenges of our northern Virginia climate. We recommend sealant be reapplied about once every three years after that. Proper maintenance will extend the life of the driveway to 20 or 30 years.
Affordable, Professional Paving Contractor in Delaplane VA
You don’t get to stay in the asphalt paving business for thirty years unless you are delivering what you promise. We enjoy a reputation across Northern Virginia as an asphalt paving contractor who provides a professional product that is delivered on time and within budget.
We hold a Virginia Class A Contractor license, are fully insured, own the latest state=of-the-art paving equipment, and have the best, most experienced, most customer centric paving crews in the business. We offer free estimates and our estimates are guaranteed. There are no hidden costs or additional charges. We warranty all of our work.
If you have a paving project in the Delaplane area, or anywhere in Northern Virginia, give us a call today at 844-266-7283 now and let’s talk!