Tar and Chip Amissville and Rappahannock County
Developed nearly a century ago as a way to pave roads in areas that did not have ready access to hot mix asphalt, tar and chip paving is an excellent and affordable paving solution for homeowners and businesses in Amissville and greater Rappahannock County.
Tar and chip paving, also known as chip sealing, is a time-honored method of paving roads, parking lots, and driveways to create a durable, and attractive asphalt surface. This quick and affordable paving technique creates driving and parking surfaces that stands up to wear and tear, and the test of time, with little to no maintenance.
But tar and chip paving can be so much more than an inexpensive way to pave a surface. Hot mix asphalt has one appearance, smooth slate black. It’s a very attractive, sophisticated look that is commonplace in urban environments. By contrast the color and texture of tar and chip paving depends on the color and size of the chip stone gravel used.
With chip sealing it’s possible to coordinate the color of your drive or parking area to compliment the property. It can become a real feature in your landscaping architecture. More importantly, it reflects the look and feel of the beautiful land that is Amissville and Rappahannock County.
- Residential Asphalt Paving
- Commercial Chipseal Paving
- Paving for parking lots
- Asphalt laying services
- Asphalt Installation
- Driveway replacement
- Patching / Grading
- Excavation
- Site Preparation
- Chipseal roads installation and maintenance
- Coating parking areas
- Driveway construction, installation and maintenance

Tar and Chip Paving – The Attractive and Affordable Alternative to Asphalt
What makes tar and chip different from traditional hot mix asphalt paving? The biggest difference is how the asphalt gets to the job site. Hot mix asphalt is mixed at a “batch plant” and delivered hot to the project. It is a mix of asphalt cement, gravel and sand. Like concrete, it can only be transported for a limited amount of time before it starts to set up. If there are no batch plants in the immediate area, the cost of transportation goes up significantly because of the travel time while the quality of the asphalt goes down.
Tar and chip paving consists of a layer of liquid asphalt topped by a layer of chip stone gravel which is embedded into the asphalt with a roller. With tar and chip, the “mixing” is done at the job site as it is needed. Preparation of the subbase is similar to that used for traditional asphalt. Then the liquid asphalt is sprayed on using an asphalt distribution truck followed by a truck putting down an even layer of chip stone. A commercial grade roller then compacts the surface embedding the gravel into the asphalt creating a rock hard, all weather surface.
All tar and chip surfaces will have a pebbly texture. If standard chip stone is used the surface will look like those you drive on every day in and around Amissville. It won’t be slate black like hot mix asphalt. It will be a lighter shade of black and have a rougher feel. Tar and chip is a favorite method for municipal road departments because of the lower cost.
But if you change the color and size of the chip stone, you can dramatically change the appearance of the tar and chip surface. Based on the color of the gravel you can get sandy yellows, rust oranges, and a variety of other hues. The texture can run from rough to nearly smooth based on the size of gravel selected. In other words, you have a “designer” paved surface.
If you need a surface repaved, tar and chip can be used on existing asphalt or concrete, providing those surfaces have no serious structural failures. Gravel or dirt roads are ideal candidates for tar and chip paving.
Asphalt Installation:
Standard Paving – Experienced and Professional Tar and Chip Paving Contractor
Many residential asphalt paving contractors don’t even offer tar and chip paving. If you decide on chip seal, you want a crew with experienced hands to install it. Critical installation functions for hot mix asphalt are largely automated. Self-propelled, self-leveling paving machines are used with standard asphalt. Tar and chip requires an operator that knows how to put down the liquid asphalt and how much to put down. The same goes for the gravel. Family owned Standard Paving hasn’t forgotten how to do the job.
When seeking tar and chip contractors in Rappahannock County, Virginia, you’ll want to look for skill, experience, and long-standing reputation for excellence and customer satisfaction. Standard Paving delivers on every score, providing quality workmanship and exceeding standards to ensure that your expectations are met.
We’ve been in business for over three decades. We hold a Virginia Class A Contractor license, are fully insured, and we warranty our work. We are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art paving equipment, and most importantly, we have the most experienced and talented paving crews in Northern Virginia. We do not subcontract any part of a paving project. When you hire us, you get us.
There are many benefits to contracting with Standard Paving for tar and chip paving services. For starters, you’ll get a strong, durable, attractive, and cost-effective surface for your driveway, parking lot, or roadway. However, you’ll also get the superior service and commitment to customer satisfaction that only Standard Paving can provide. We proudly maintain a full-time crew of expert asphalt professionals to complete your job using modern equipment and high-quality materials. Our locally owned and operated business has earned a reputation for excellence because we go the extra mile to ensure every project is done right the first time and completed on time and on budget.
With 30 years of experience, including thousands of successfully completed residential, commercial, and government projects, we have the expertise to plan and execute your paving project with minimal interruption to your schedule. We are easy to do business with. Contact us today at 844-266-7283 to arrange a free estimate for your project and find out more.