Best Asphalt Paving Contractors in Herndon
If you are a homeowner, business owner, or represent an HOA and you are looking at asphalt paving contractors serving Herndon, VA to perform an asphalt paving project, you can avoid frustration, potential property damage, buyer’s remorse, and complete your project on time and within budget by evaluating 5 simple characteristics of each contractor you consider.
There’s no question that a professionally installed asphalt paving project can dramatically change the appearance of a home, parking lot, or private lane. New asphalt will increase the curb appeal and resale value of a residence, reinforce visitors’ impressions your business is a success, and provide a fresh, cared for look for roads in gated communities.
Asphalt can have a big impact. Unfortunately, if done wrong, it can have an equally negative impact one that is expensive to fix. To make matters worse, you may not discover you have a substandard product for two or three years when the pavement begins to crumble, and potholes appear. You can minimize that risk by vetting the contractor you use.
- Residential Asphalt Paving
- Commercial Chipseal Paving
- Paving for parking lots
- Asphalt laying services
- Asphalt Installation
- Driveway replacement
- Patching / Grading
- Excavation
- Site Preparation
- Chipseal roads installation and maintenance
- Coating parking areas
- Driveway construction, installation and maintenance

Asphalt Paving Professionals Serving Herndon
At Standard Paving we have been serving Herndon, Reston, Sterling and other communities in northern Virginia for over 30 years. Obviously, we want your business. But we also want you to be confident in our capabilities and business practices. To help you get to that point, we’ve put together 5 key evaluations you should apply to any asphalt paving company including us.
- License. In Virginia contractor licenses are something of a grey area with different levels of responsibility and liability. At Standard Paving we hold a Class A Contractor license while some of our competition have B or C licenses or no licenses at all. This is a shortcut to lower costs and liability exposure.
- Adequate Insurance. Most people assume that companies they deal with are insured but the only way to confirm that is to see a valid certificate of insurance. Standard Paving carries up to $2 million in liability and, this is important, workers compensation on our crews. Work Comp is expensive. Not having it is a way to cut costs but it also opens you up to exposure. If a worker is injured on your property, and there is no workers compensation, that worker can tap the liability coverage on your homeowner policy or your business’s premise liability coverage.
- Use of Contractors and Rental Equipment. Project management is far simpler and more efficient when a contractor controls all of the elements. At Standard Paving our crews are made up of our own highly skilled employees and we give them the latest in asphalt paving technology and equipment to get the job done professionally. We don’t rely on any subcontractors for labor or equipment.
- Time in Business. Asphalt paving requires a heavy investment if you are going to own your own equipment. Dump trucks, rollers, levelers, spreaders and other gear is not inexpensive. That’s another way to say the threshold to enter this business is not low unless you cut corners. Standard Paving is a family business now in its second generation of management. You don’t last that long unless you deliver the quality work and service you promise the customer.
- Pricing and Pride. Get a guaranteed fixed price. Do not accept hidden costs or charges made after the job is done. If the asphalt paving contractor has confidence in their work, they’ll offer a warranty. We offer a full year warranty at Standard Paving.
Asphalt Installation:
Standard Paving Asphalt Paving Services
We are a full-service asphalt paving company and we tackle all Herndon projects large or small.
- Asphalt Driveway Paving. Your asphalt driveway plays a major role in your home’s curb appeal and resale value. If your driveway has cracks, low spots that pool water, potholes, or is graying out, you need the pros from Standard paving to repave and restore your drive to protect your investment. We are fast, affordable, reliable, and we warranty our work.
- Tar and Chip Paving. A popular, and less expensive alternative to hot mix asphalt paving is a 100-year-old method known as tar and chip, or chip seal, or macadam. In Herndon, Standard Paving is one of a very few asphalt paving contractors who have extensive experience with this technique. Tar and chip paving involves spraying liquid asphalt on a compacted base followed by a layer of chipped gravel. A commercial roller then compacts and embeds the gravel into the asphalt. The end result is a rock hard, all weather, maintenance free paved surface that has a rustic look and feel.
- Asphalt Maintenance and Surface Treatments. A newly installed asphalt project should be allowed to cure for six months and then be treated with a sealant. Sealant is essential to ensuring an asphalt surface lasts its expected 20 plus year service life and should be applied once every three years. Sealant protects the surface from UV rays, deicing chemicals, moisture, excessive heat and cold, and provides an attractive dark color. Sealant also plays a role in Standard Paving’s repair services. Cracks, potholes, and graying out can sometimes be repaired preventing the need for repaving. Our expert technicians will fill and compact cracks and holes, level up low spots, and provide the whole surface a new, dark appearance by applying sealant.
If you are a property owner or business owner and you have an asphalt project, you owe it to yourself to discuss it with the professionals at Standard Paving. We would like an opportunity to do your asphalt paving project, big or small. Give us a call or contact us and let’s talk!