Asphalt Paving Contractors for Great Falls, VA – Driveways | Parking Lots | Chipseal
With over 30 years of experience, family owned Standard Paving has earned a reputation as the go-to asphalt paving contractor in Great Falls, Virginia. When professional results, reliability, superior customer care and affordability are key elements for your asphalt paving project, the pros at Standard Paving are the solution.
New or well maintained slate black asphalt provides a dramatic touch to even the grandest of Great Falls residences, and a crisp, welcoming appearance for a business’s parking lot. Most homeowners and business owners don’t realize how much their asphalt driveway or parking lot enhances their curb appeal until the asphalt develops problems.
Professionally installed and maintained, asphalt driveways and parking lots should last 20 to 30 years. If the asphalt is not maintained, cracks, potholes, crumbling, and graying out can occur and the impact on the home or business it serves is significant. A poorly maintained asphalt driveway or parking lot significantly reduces curb appeal (and resale value) and sends a negative message regarding the owner’s sense of responsibility.
If you are a homeowner or business owner, and you notice that your asphalt paving is showing wear, give Standard Paving a call and we will restore your drive or lot to like new condition using the least intrusive method possible.
- Residential Asphalt Paving
- Commercial Chipseal Paving
- Paving for parking lots
- Asphalt laying services
- Asphalt Installation
- Driveway replacement
- Patching / Grading
- Excavation
- Site Preparation
- Chipseal roads installation and maintenance
- Coating parking areas
- Driveway construction, installation and maintenance

Repair, Repaving, and Replacing of Asphalt Driveways, Parking Lots, and Private Roads
There are a number of reasons why an asphalt surface might fail before the end of its expected service life. Sometimes the cause is an improperly prepared subbase when the surface was first installed. Asphalt needs a firm, level, base otherwise it may bend, bulge, and crack, or create low spots where water will puddle and degrade the asphalt. A poor quality hot mix at installation or an unskilled operator can bring their own set of problems.
At Standard paving we have a process for every condition. Repair is a simple solution if you have minor cracks of ¼” or less we can simply fill them, clean any stains from oil, deicer, or other chemicals. We then seal the surface resulting in a like new appearance. If the cracks are deeper, if there are severe low spots, or crumbling, or structurally unsound asphalt, repaving is typically required.
Repaving involves identifying and removing structurally failed asphalt, loose and crumbling asphalt, leveling out the surface, removing any grass that has impinged on the edges, filling cracks and holes, and air blowing the drive to remove dust and debris. When the surface has been prepared, a self-propelled, self-leveling paver controlled by a talented, experienced, operator installs the hot mix asphalt. The paver is followed by a vibrating compactor that creates a hard surface. Edges are hand trimmed and compacted. You will be able to walk on the drive after four hours and park a car on it in twenty-four hours.
Replacing asphalt driveways is the most extreme process and is used when a drive has reached the end of its service life or when the problem is with the subbase. We bring in our excavation equipment to remove the existing drive and prepare the subbase by leveling it out and compacting it. The actual paving is the same as the repaving process. The end result is a beautiful, useable, slate black drive that makes an amazing difference in the appearance of the property.
Asphalt Installation:
Tar and Chip Paving – An Alternative to Asphalt for Great Falls Homeowners and Business Owners
Nearly a hundred years ago, a New Zealander came up with tar and chip paving, also known as chipseal or macadam, as an affordable way to pave dirt and gravel roads as well as repaving asphalt roads. It quickly caught on in the U.S. and continues to be used today particularly on county roads.
Tar and chip paving can be used the same as asphalt paving for driveways, parking lots, or private roads. It is particularly appropriate for a property that has a rustic setting. Unlike hot asphalt’s slate black color, tar and chip paving is more of a rustic gray and has a “crunchy” texture.
Preparation of a surface for tar and chip is identical to that used for asphalt paving. Unlike hot mix asphalt, tar and chip uses an asphalt emulsion (liquid asphalt) and chipped gravel which is applied separately at the job site.
Liquid asphalt is sprayed on the subbase followed by an even layer of chipped gravel. A commercial grade compactor then imbeds the gravel in the asphalt, compresses the mix, and results in a rock hard, all weather, no maintenance surface. It’s fast, it’s significantly less expensive than asphalt paving, and it’s a dying art in northern Virginia. Standard Paving has over 30 years of experience applying chipseal. We have the equipment and more importantly, we have the talent who can expertly install the surface.
Why Standard Paving is Your Best Choice for Asphalt Paving
There’s no shortage of asphalt paving contractors serving the Great Falls area, but when it comes to professionalism, customer care, affordability, and quality results, Standard Paving leads the pack.
We hold a Class A Virginia Contractor license, carry $2 million in liability insurance, own all our equipment, and most importantly, all of our crews are Standard Paving employees. We do not sub out any facet of an asphalt paving project.
Our operators, truck drivers, and hand finishers are our secret to success. They all are exceptionally talented and take great pride in the work they do. Just as importantly, they all share the company’s focus on complete customer satisfaction. These are the folks who will turn your asphalt project into a hassle-free success accomplished faster than you can imagine.
If you have an asphalt paving project in your future, large or small, contact us now and we will arrange for an experienced estimator to visit your site. Our bids are flat rate and guaranteed. We warranty all of our work for a full year.
Don’t put it off. Call us today at 844-266-7283!