Asphalt Paving Contractors Ashburn VA
Standard Paving, a locally owned asphalt paving contractor has been providing asphalt driveways, parking lots, and private roads to customers is Ashburn and surrounding Loudon County communities for over 30 years. If you have an asphalt paving project on the horizon, and you are interested in professional results, affordability, and a no mess no hassle experience with a proven contractor who warrants his work, you need to call Standard Paving now.
You don’t stay in the asphalt paving business for over three decades unless you are doing something right. We believe that some of those “right” things include:
- Focusing on our founding principal of delivering 100% customer satisfaction. We know that maintaining our excellent reputation for customer satisfaction is the reason we get to go to work every morning.
- We are a responsible business in an industry where some of the competition tries to “bootstrap” their way into the industry by taking shortcuts. We hold a Class A Virginia Contactor license and carry two million dollars in liability insurance. The term shortcut is not in our vocabulary.
- We are organized to provide a wide range of asphalt services including resurfacing, repaving, replacing and maintenance. We are staffed and equipped to handle any size asphalt paving or tar and chip paving project large or small. And we can deliver exceptionally professional results at a price that will fit your budget.
- We own all of our state-of-the-art asphalt paving equipment including the latest in self-leveling pavers, asphalt distribution trucks, excavation equipment, and commercial rollers and compactors. We do not outsource any aspect of an asphalt paving project.
- Lastly, we hire the best. Every member of our crews is a Standard Paving employee. They are skilled, experience, completely buy into exceeding customer expectations, and are exceptionally proud of the work they do.
If you live in Ashburn or the surrounding Loudon County communities, you can count on Standard Paving to be an asphalt paving contractor with talent, experience, integrity, and exceptional value.
- Residential Asphalt Paving
- Commercial Chipseal Paving
- Paving for parking lots
- Asphalt laying services
- Asphalt Installation
- Driveway replacement
- Patching / Grading
- Excavation
- Site Preparation
- Chipseal roads installation and maintenance
- Coating parking areas
- Driveway construction, installation and maintenance

Our Specialties – Asphalt Paving and Tar and Chip Paving
When you think about it, you travel on an asphalt surface every day of your life. It might be your own driveway, the road in front of your house, the parking lot at work, or a jogging or bike path. As it turns out, installing and maintaining these surfaces all require pretty much the same process. The only significant difference is the amount of experience a contractor has with these different sized asphalt surfaces.
With that in mind, the services that Standard Paving provides apply to every type of asphalt surface with minor adjustments to accommodate differences in dimensions.
Resurfacing Asphalt Paving:
If your asphalt surface has small cracks (less than ¼” deep) or has developed low spots where water puddles, you have an opportunity to restore it to like new condition through a simple resurfacing. Basically, this involves scrapping off the very top layer of existing asphalt and installing a new layer. This new layer is compressed to form a tight bond and hard surface and then after a couple of days to cure we apply a sealant. The end result is a surface that looks like it did when it was first installed.
Repaving Asphalt Surfaces:
When an asphalt driveway shows webs of deeper cracks, potholes, crumbling edges, or loose asphalt appear, repaving is typically the solution. Structurally failed asphalt is identified and cut out, cracks and holes are filled, low spots are leveled up and edges are cleaned of any grass encroaching on the surface. A self-propelled, self-leveling paver then installs a layer of high quality, hot asphalt. That process is followed by a vibrating roller that compacts the surface. Edges are hand trimmed and compacted to provide a crisp, professional finish. After curing, a sealant is applied leaving a sophisticated, slate black, appearance.
Replacing Asphalt Surfaces:
A professionally installed and maintained asphalt surface has a service life of 20 to 30 years or longer. If the surface has reached the end of its expected service life, or there are serious subbase issues, the most effective process is replacement. This involves bringing in excavation equipment to rip up and remove the existing surface and doing a thorough job of preparation of the subbase including resolving drainage problems if they exist. Once the subbase has been established, installation of the hot mix asphalt is pretty much the same as repaving. The asphalt is put down, compressed, allowed to cure, and then sealed.
Asphalt Installation:
Tar and Chip Paving Contractor VA:
Back in the 1930s, a New Zealand engineer came up with an alternative paving process that was far less expensive than hot mix asphalt. It caught on in the U.S. and is still used today particularly in rural areas. Tar and Chip paving, also known as macadam or chipseal, is a mixture of liquid asphalt and chipped gravel used to pave gravel roads and repave other asphalt surfaces.
Why did tar and chip become so popular? Two reasons. In rural areas there were few batch plants and when you have to transport hot mix asphalt over an extended time, the asphalt degrades. Tar and chip is assembled on site, no batch plant needed. Secondly, it is a lot cheaper than hot mix asphalt. Today, in northern Virginia, there are plenty of batch plants but chipseal remains popular. Why. It’s still a lot cheaper.
Tar and chip paving can almost fall into the category of designer paving. The color and texture depends on the color and size of the gravel used. If you want a pastel pink, or a rusty red, instead of a slate black, tar and chip is the way to go. It is a hard, all weather, no maintenance surface that can be used anywhere hot mix asphalt can.
If that’s what you want, Standard Paving is the paving contractor to call.
If selecting an asphalt paving contractor is in your immediate future for an Ashburn or Loudon County project, contact us today and let’s talk about what we can do for you. You’ll be glad you did.