Asphalt Driveway Paving for Reston, VA – Affordable | Professional | Fast
If you are a homeowner in Reston, VA and your asphalt driveway needs some help, you need to call the professional, affordable, and reliable asphalt paving company that has helped so many of your neighbors. You need to call Standard Paving.
Our local, family owned asphalt paving business has been in business for over thirty years. We’ve resurfaced, repaved, and replaced literally thousands of asphalt driveways in Reston and the surrounding northern Virginia communities. If your home’s curb appeal is being damaged by an asphalt driveway with cracks, potholes, low spots or crumbling edges, contact us now to learn what your options are. One thing we can promise you, your driveway will not self-heal. The longer you put off repairing it, the worse it will become.
For Most Reston Homeowners, Asphalt Driveway Repair is a First Time Experience
Professionally installed and maintained asphalt driveways will last 20 to 30 years or more. Is your driveway that old? If not, why is it falling apart?
At Standard Paving, we understand that ideally, an asphalt driveway paving project should be a once or twice in a lifetime event, Most homeowners have no idea why their driveway has problems. They just want the drive fixed fast and for a price they can afford. Unfortunately, that lack of knowledge leaves them susceptible to being overcharged and subject to under performance by a less than professional contractor.
So let’s do a quick rundown on what asphalt is and why it can break down early.
- Residential Asphalt Paving
- Commercial Chipseal Paving
- Paving for parking lots
- Asphalt laying services
- Asphalt Installation
- Driveway replacement
- Patching / Grading
- Excavation
- Site Preparation
- Chipseal roads installation and maintenance
- Coating parking areas
- Driveway construction, installation and maintenance

Asphalt Paving – Do it Right the First Time
Asphalt is an excellent paving material for driveways, parking lots, and just about any surface that doesn’t have to support heavy industrial traffic. First, its slate black color is far more attractive than concrete and adds an important boost in a home’s curb appeal. Secondly, it’s softer than concrete which means it’s quieter and just as importantly, it can adjust to subbase expansion and contraction due to soil freezing and thawing. Lastly, it’s durable. As we mentioned, a professionally installed and maintained asphalt surface will last 20 to 30 years.
But if asphalt is so long lasting, why is it breaking up in your driveway now. Many times, the problem is not the quality of the asphalt but the subbase that the asphalt sits on. It’s like the old adage about building a home on a foundation of rock or sand. If the subbase is not properly prepared, the asphalt will fail.
If the subbase was not properly filled and graded, if drainage issues are not addressed, if proximity to trees is not considered, and most importantly, if the subbase is not compacted properly, then it’s only a matter of time before the asphalt will start cracking. If the subbase is in bad shape, and you want a long-term solution not just a cosmetic quick-fix, then the existing drive needs to be removed and the subbase corrected.
Asphalt driveway replacement is the most extreme, and expensive, solution to a damaged drive. If you plan on staying in your home for a couple of decades, then it is the smartest and most cost efficient way to go. There are other options though:
- Asphalt Driveway Repair or Resurfacing. Asphalt is a petroleum product and its chemical composition can be compromised by UV rays, automotive fluids, some de-icer chemicals and prolonged submersion in water. When that happens it will break down causing cracks and pot holes. This condition can be fixed fairly easily. We can fill the cracks, level up low spots, compress the drive and apply a sealant that will cover stains and provide protection from new damage. If the asphalt is widely damaged due to topical conditions, we can grind off a small layer from the top, install a replacement layer, compress the drive and apply a sealant. This process is a quick-fix for minor damage.
- Asphalt Driveway Repaving. If you are anticipating relocating within 10 years, and your dive has potholes, deep cracks, crumbling edges, or low areas that puddle, then repaving may be the solution for you. Our crew ill identify asphalt that has structurally failed, cut it out and dispose of it, fill the holes and cracks, compact the drive, air clean it and then install a new asphalt surface. We use a state-of-the-art self-propelled, self-leveling paver under the control of an experienced operator to apply the asphalt. That’s followed by a vibrating, commercial grade roller that compacts the new asphalt for a solid bond. Edges are hand trimmed and compacted. When we are done, you have a beautiful, slate black drive that restores the home’s curb appeal.
Really, it’s just a question of doing it right the first time. You don’t last in the asphalt paving business for 30 years unless you do just that!
Asphalt Installation:
Why Standard Paving is the Go-To Asphalt Paving Contractor in Reston
Our three decades in the asphalt paving business have taught us a lesson or two. Lesson number one is to constantly strive to exceed customer expectations. It doesn’t matter how good you are, if you don’t have happy customers you don’t get referrals and without referrals you don’t grow.
As a result, everything we do is focused on delivering professional finished products at an affordable price that will delight the customer.
The best way to do that is to avoid all the shortcuts that this business has. We run Standard Paving like the professional organization it is:
- We hold a Class A Virginia Contractor license.
- We carry two million dollars in liability insurance.
- We own all our state-of-the-art equipment including self-leveling pavers, commercial compactors, asphalt distribution trucks, excavation equipment, and dump trucks. Nothing is subcontracted out.
- All of our crews are made up of skilled craftsmen who are employees and covered by our work comp insurance. These folks are the key to our success. They take exceptional pride in a job well done.
- We warranty all of our work.
If you have an asphalt paving project in Reston on the horizon, you really owe it to yourself to contact Standard Paving to get an estimate. We know you’ll be happy you did, Contact us now!